December 11-13, 2025: GIW ISCB-Asia 2025 (Talk)
September, 19-22, 2025: The 23rd Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (Talk)
June 25, 2015: 2025 KAIST AI 반도체 최고경영자 과정 (Talk)
June 15-19, 2025: 20th International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes (ISBA2025; Talk)
June 10, 2025: College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University (Talk)
June 2-5, 2025: 2025 KSIEC Spring Meeting and International Conference (Talk)
May 20, 2025: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University (Talk)
April 2-4, 2025: 2025 KSBB Spring Meeting and International Symposium (Talk and Organizer)
February 24, 2025: 제81회 생물화공심포지엄 (Talk)
February 18, 2025: 부산대학교 의료인공지능 심포지엄 (Talk)
February 24, 2025: Taeyoung Lee, Jihi Yeom, and Soomin Lee join the lab. Welcome!
February 14, 2025: Congratulations to Dr. Junhyeok Jeon, Dr. Mun Su Kwon, Dr. Byung Tae Lee, and Joonyoung Kwon on their graduation!
January 17, 2025: 대한암학회 제17회 동계 Workshop (Talk)
November 28, 2024: A machine learning framework for extracting information from biological pathway images in the literature (Metabolic Engineering, KAIST News, 헤럴드경제)
October 22-25, 2024: 1st Asia & Pacific Bioinformatics Joint Conference (APBJC2024) (Keynote talk, YouTube)
October 2, 2024: Anna Svetlova from Technical University of Denmark visits SBML. Welcome!
September 20-25, 2024: 15th Globe Industrial Microbiology Congress & Metabolic Engineering Summit 2024 (Invited talk)
September 5, 2024: AI WORLD 2024: Unlimited Scalability (무한확장) (Chair, YouTube)
August 29-30, 2024: SBML workshop at Jeonju Hanok Village
August 26, 2024: Dr. Junhyeok Jeon starts a new journey at HITS. Wish you all the best!
August 26, 2024: Joonyoung Kwon joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
June 19-21, 2024: KMB 2024 Annual Meeting & International Symposium
June 14, 2024: KAIST EB SYMPOSIUM 2024 - Engineering Biology for Sustainable Bioeconomy
May 24, 2024: Bio-Health AI International Symposium 2024 (Talk, YouTube)
May 22, 2024: 2024 Annual Spring Meeting of The Korean BioChip Society (Talk)
May 9, 2024: 2024 KSIEC Spring Meeting (Talk)
April 25, 2024: 2024 KIChE Spring Meeting: ERC 바이오매스 수소 생산 심포지엄 (Talk)
April 17, 2024: 2024 KSBB Spring Meeting and International Symposium: 교육 워크샵 (Talk)
April 12, 2024: Hyun Uk's EXPERT OPINION in Nature Metabolism
April 5, 2024: 더존비즈온-KAIST 공동연구 업무협약식 (News_1, News_2)
March 18, 2024: Prediction of metabolites associated with somatic mutations in cancers by using genome-scale metabolic models and mutation data (Genome Biology, News in Korean, News in English)
March 11 -15, 2024: The Automated Scientist (Flyer, Talk)
February 26, 2024: Haechan Sung, Jaehyun Kim, Seok Hwan Yoon, Sofia Mun, and Byeongsub Lee join the lab. Welcome!
February 23, 2024: GaRyoung and Sang Mi start a new journey at Harvard Medical School. Wish you all the best!
February 16, 2024: Congratulations to GaRyoung, Shuan, Sang Mi, Sung Han, Minji and Eujin on their graduation!
February 1, 2024: 제14회 한국효소공학연구회 심포지엄 (Talk)
January 31, 2024: KAIST AI-X Workshop (Talk)
January 2, 2024: Ghiffary starts a new journey at A*STAR, Singapore. Wish him all the best!
December 12-16, 2023: Asian Synthetic Biology Association (ASBA) 2023 (Talk)
November 27, 2023: AI & Confidential Computing in Bio-surveillance (Panelist, News1 )
November 18-21, 2023: GIW-ISCB Asia 2023 (Committee, Speakers, Talk)
November 15, 2023: Hae Deok wins Best Poster Award at BIOINFO 2023. Congratulations!
November 13-15, 2023: BIOINFO 2023 (Poster, Talk)
October 10, 2023: Special lecture by Dr. Magdalena Skipper, Editor in Chief of Nature
October 6, 2023: GaRyoung wins the Best Poster Presentation Award at 2023 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Fall Meeting and International Symposium. Congratulations!
September 25-26, 2023: IIMENA Symposium 2023 (Committee, Talk)
August 28, 2023: Seo Young Kim joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
August 18, 2023: Sung Han and Minji start a new journey. Wish you all the best!
July 24-27, 2023: Metabolic Pathway Analysis (MPA) 2023 (Committee)
July 21 & 22: International Conference on Precision Nanomedicine in Theranostics & The 2023 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Nanomedicine Society (Talk)
June 21-23, 2023: KMB 2023 Annual Meeting & International Symposium (Talk)
June 11-15, 2023: Metabolic Engineering 15 (Poster, Talk)
April 14, 2023: Eujin wins the Best Poster Presentation Award at 2023 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Spring Meeting and International Symposium. Congratulations!
April 10, 2023: Special lecture by Dr. Susan Jones, Chief Editor of Nature Microbiology
March 31, 2023: KAIST 공학생물학대학원 입시설명회
March 24, 2023: Komal starts a new journey at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Wish her all the best!
February 17, 2023: Congratulations to Komal, Ghiffary, Joshua and Yoo Jin on their graduation!
December 12, 2022: Congratulations to Ghiffary on his successful PhD thesis defense!
December 6, 2022: AI 기반 디지털 바이오 심포지엄
December 4, 2022: Seongmo wins Oral Presentation Award at The 33rd International Symposium on Chemical Engineering (ISChE 2022). Congratulations!
October 21, 2022: Sang Mi wins Outstanding Poster Award at BIOINFO 2022. Congratulations!
October 17-19, 2022: Dr. Teddy Groves from Technical University of Denmark visited SBML. Thanks for great discussion!
October 5, 2022: Proteomic analysis for the effects of non-saponin fraction with rich polysaccharide from Korean red ginseng on Alzheimer's disease in a mouse model (Journal of Ginseng Research)
September 30, 2022: Minji wins the Best Poster Presentation Award at 2022 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Fall Meeting and International Symposium. Congratulations!
August 28, 2022: Joshua starts a new career at NetTargets. Wish him the best!
August 19, 2022: Komal successfully completes her PhD training. Congratulations!
June 24, 2022: 제4회 SEM (Science, Engineering and Medicine) CONFERENCE (Poster)
June 18, 2022: Comparative genomic analysis of Streptomyces rapamycinicus NRRL 5491 and its mutant overproducing rapamycin (Scientific Reports)
June 17, 2022: 2022 아산미래의학심포지엄 (ASAN INNOVATIVE MEDICAL SYMPOSIUM 2022) (AIMS 2022)
June 15, 2022: Machine learning-guided evaluation of extraction and simulation methods for cancer patient-specific metabolic models (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal)
June 10, 2022: Komal wins Best Poster Presentation Award at 2022 Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE) Spring Meeting. Congratulations!
May 27, 2022: Sang Mi wins the Best Poster Presentation Award at 2022 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Graduate Students Symposium. Congratulations!
April 20, 2022: Systems metabolic engineering of Streptomyces venezuelae for the enhanced production of pikromycin (Biotechnology and Bioengineering)
April 1, 2022: Hyun Uk joins Editorial Board of Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
March 18, 2022: 신진연구자 “톡” - “메타버스로 임상실험 가능한 미래 열고 싶어요” (한국연구재단 웹진 3월호)
March 12, 2022: Hyun Uk joins Editorial Board of Frontiers in Genetics (Statistical Genetics and Methodology) as Associate Editor.
February 24, 2022: Sang Mi wins scholarship of the ASAN Foundation (아산사회복지재단 의생명과학분야 장학생). Congratulations!
February 22, 2022: Junkyu Lee joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
December 2, 2021: Predicting dynamic clinical outcomes of the chemotherapy for canine lymphoma patients using a machine learning model (Veterinary Sciences)
November 1, 2021: Predicting biochemical and physiological effects of natural products from molecular structures using machine learning (Natural Product Reports, Cover)
October 29, 2021: Byung Tae wins the Best Oral Presentation Award at 2021 Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE) Fall Meeting and International Symposium. Congratulations!
October 8, 2021: Mun Su wins the Best Poster Presentation Award at 2021 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Fall Meeting and International Symposium. Congratulations!
October 6, 2021: Omics and computational modeling approaches for the effective treatment of drug-resistant cancer cells (Frontiers in Genetics)
October 5, 2021: Development of computational models using omics data for the identification of effective cancer metabolic biomarkers (Molecular Omics)
September 27 - October 1, 2021: Hyun Uk and Byung Tae speak at Artificial Intelligence for Natural Product Drug Discovery, Lorentz Center, The Netherlands (Poster)
September 8, 2021: Minji Kim joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
August 30, 2021: Eujin Hong joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
July, 2021: Hyun Uk joins Editorial Board of Microorganisms (Microbial Biotechnology Section).
June 7, 2021: Hyun Uk joins Early Career Editorial Board of Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology.
May 28, 2021: Biomedical AI@바이오의료공학의 디지털 미래 (바이오및뇌공학과 웨비나, Program)
April 19, 2021: High-level production of a natural blue pigment indigoidine from metabolically engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum for sustainable fabric dyes (ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Supplementary Cover)
March 1, 2021: Hyun Uk is appointed as Kwon Oh-Hyun Endowed Chair Professor.
February 22, 2021: Sung Han Bae joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
February 15, 2021: Yoo Jin Sung joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
January 8, 2021: Microbial production of multiple short-chain primary amines via retrobiosynthesis (Nature Communications)
January 7, 2021: Engineering heterologous hosts for the enhanced production of non-ribosomal peptides (Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering)
January 5, 2021: 코로나19 시대에 신진연구자들에게 폭넓은 연구 기회를 (PDF)
January 4, 2021: Systems and synthetic biology to elucidate secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters encoded in Streptomyces genomes (Natural Product Reports)
January 2, 2021: A deep learning approach to evaluate the feasibility of enzymatic reactions generated by retrobiosynthesis (Biotechnology Journal)
December 21, 2020: 2020 바이오미래포럼 (주최: 과학기술정보통신부, Program) @2020 바이오혁신성장대전 @2020 대한민국과학기술대전 (YouTube 1, YouTube 2, YouTube 3)
October 22, 2020: Hyun Uk receives New Academic Research Award (신인학술상) from Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering.
October 22, 2020: 2020년도 10월 한국생물공학회 교육 워크샵: 생물공학 × 기계학습 (Program)
August 31, 2020: Joshua Julio Adidjaja joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
August 31, 2020: Shuan will start pursuing his PhD in Prof. Yousung Jung's lab. Wish him the best!
August 20, 2020: The 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics (APBC/BIOINFO 2020, Program)
July 29, 2020: 생명공학 인공지능에 대한 기대와 고려사항 (PDF)
June 24, 2020: Junhyeok gives an invited talk at American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting (replaced as AACR Virtual Annual Meeting II, CBE News)!
April 14, 2020: Modeling regulatory networks using machine learning for systems metabolic engineering (Current Opinion in Biotechnology)
March 16, 2020: Seongmo Kang joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
March 4, 2020: Systematic and comparative evaluation of software programs for template‐based modeling of protein structures (Biotechnology Journal)
March 3, 2020: MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing (Nature Biotechnology)
February 27, 2020: Setup of a scientific computing environment for computational biology: Simulation of a genome-scale metabolic model of Escherichia coli as an example (Journal of Microbiology)
February 24, 2020: Designing novel functional peptides by manipulating a temperature in the Softmax function coupled with Variational Autoencoder (IEEE)
December 28, 2019: Current status of pan-genome analysis for pathogenic bacteria (Current Opinion in Biotechnology)
December 20, 2019: Hyun Uk receives Technology Innovation Award from KAIST College of Engineering.
November 23, 2019: Komal receives a poster award at 25th Young Asian Biological Engineers’ Community (YABEC 2019)!
September 30, 2019: Machine learning applications in systems metabolic engineering (Current Opinion in Biotechnology)
September 9, 2019: A safe and sustainable bacterial cellulose nanofiber separator for lithium rechargeable batteries (PNAS)
August 21, 2019: Genomic and metabolic analysis of Komagataeibacter xylinus DSM 2325 producing bacterial cellulose nanofiber (Biotechnology and Bioengineering)
June 20, 2019: Deep learning enables high-quality and high-throughput prediction of enzyme commission numbers (PNAS, KAIST News)
June 13, 2019: Current status and applications of genome-scale metabolic models (Genome Biology)
May 2, 2019: Metabolic engineering strategies for the enhanced microalgal production of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) (Biotechnology Journal)
February 7, 2019: Hae Deok Jung joins the lab as a graduate student.
January 21, 2019: Byung Tae Lee joins the lab as a graduate student.
January 15, 2019: A comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals (Nature Catalysis, KAIST News)
January 14, 2019: Mun Su Kwon joins the lab as a graduate student.
January 8, 2019: Sang Mi Lee joins the lab as a graduate student.
December 25, 2018: 시스템생물학 대사모델로 항생제 신약 후보물질 도출 (August 24, 2018).
September 20, 2018: Hyun Uk becomes Editorial Board Member of BMC Biomedical Engineering.
September 3, 2018: Shuan Chen joins the lab as a graduate student.
August 13, 2018: Ga Ryeong Lee joins the lab as a graduate student.
July 9, 2018: Junhyeok Jeon joins the lab as a graduate student.
July 4, 2018: Our work on L-tyrosine production using E. coli has been accepted.
June 7, 2018: Suzie Byun from MIT joins the lab as a Visiting Student Researcher.
April 26, 2018: Distinguished Professor Sang Yup Lee and Assistant Professor Hyun Uk Kim started Cross-Generation Collaborative Lab (KAIST News).
April 18, 2018: Deep learning predicts drug-drug and drug-food interactions (KAIST News, NVIDIA).
April 9, 2018: Mohammad Rifqi Ghiffary joins the lab as a Visiting Student Researcher.
February 12, 2018: Dr. Hyun Uk Kim started in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST.